Endurance Riding Ireland

Pony Club Area 17 Endurance

The Pony Club now run Endurance Riding as a discipline in Northern Ireland (Area 17) and ILDRA are working in partnership with the Pony Club to promote and run Endurance Riding events for Pony Club members.

Details of the rides available can be found in the calendar on this web site. To enter you need to use the on-line entry system.

For more information on anything related to the Pony Club Endurance please use the contact form or talk to a ride organise or committee member.

Pony Club Ride Types

Pony Club Endurance is made of of 5 different rides Robin, Merlin, Kestrel, Osprey and Eagle, details can be found on the Pony Club Web site.

For entry fees see entry fee page here and for how to enter see the ride page from the calendar

Robin Ride

Pony Club Endurance Robin is a short introductory ride for younger members. A great way to introduce the sport of Endurance Riding to the next generation.

Merlin Ride


Organised by Pony Club Branches/Centres/ILDRA


Between 8km and 15km


No faster than 12km per hour


All riders must be at least eight years old on the day of the ride. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult (18 years and over) on horseback with a maximum of 2 children per adult.

Vets Inspection and Heart Rate

Although not necessary for this level, they may be taken by an appointed official for the competitor's information.


Those successfully completing this ride receive The Pony Club Merlin rosette.

Entry Fees

At the discretion of the organisers.

Kestrel Ride


i) Organised by Pony Club Branches/Centres

ii) An ILDRA training ride of the correct distance. Many of these rides do not have a vet/official on site to check heart rates/soundness or an official to time the ride. If this is the case then these rides can not be used as qualifiers for the championships unless your Branch/Area has organised an official to stand in.

iii) An ILDRA National Ride of the correct distance.


Between 16km and 25km


8-15km per hour. (optimum speed 10kph)


All riders must be at least eight years old on the day of the   ride.

Riders under the age of 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult (18 years and over) on horseback with a maximum of two children to one adult.

A combination of horse and rider who have ridden distances of 35km or more in an ILDRA national ride may ride at this level but would not be able to qualify for the Novice Championships and would not be eligible for any prizes except the ride completion award.

Vets inspection

Horses taking part in a Kestrel Ride need to have their heart rate taken and be trotted up for soundness before the ride and within 30 minutes of finishing. This will be in front of the official vet except for rides run by a Pony Branch/Centre when an approved official can be used instead.

Lameness before or after the ride will result in disqualification as will a heart rate of over 64 bpm.

Entry Fees

At rides run by Pony Club Branches/Centres this is left to the discretion of the Branch/Centre.

At ILDRA rides Pony Club Members may enter at the same fee as club members and this will give them temporary day membership.  Mounted supervisors will also pay the normal day members entry fee.


The finishing speed and heart rate must fall within the shaded part of the Novice Performance chart. When the combination of horse and rider has accomplished this twice then they will have qualified for the Pony Club Novice Endurance Championships. It is up to the Member to register their qualification with Pony Club Headquarters.  See further notes.


All those finishing between 8-15 kph and with a heart rate of 64 bpm or below will receive the Pony Club Kestrel Rosette.


If you wish to gain a result for the competition please use the Novice Performance chart where a combination of heart rate and speed will give faults. If there is an equality of points then the competitor who presents in the shortest time to the final inspection will be successful.    

Osprey Ride


i)  Organised by Pony Club Branches/Centres.

ii) An ILDRA local group training ride of the correct distance. Many of these rides do not have a vet/official on site to check heart rates/soundness or an official to time the ride. If this is the case then these rides can not be used as qualifiers for the championships unless your branch/area has organised an official to stand in.

iii) An ILDRA National Ride of the correct distance.


Between 26 and 35km.


8-15km per hour.  (optimum speed  11kph)


All riders must be at least eight years old on the date of the ride. Riders under the age of 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult (18years or over) on horseback with a maximum of two children to one adult.

Members under the age of 13 years must have completed two Kestrel rides before they compete at this level.

A combination of horse and rider who have ridden distances of 43km or more in ILDRA national rides may ride at this level but would not be eligible for any prizes and would not be able to qualify for the Intermediate Championships.

Vets Inspection

As for Novice Rides

Entry Fees

As for Novice Rides


The finishing speed and heart rate must fall within the shaded part of the Intermediate Performance chart. When the combination of horse and rider has accomplished this twice then they will have qualified for the Pony Club Intermediate Endurance Championships. It is up to the member to register their qualification with Pony Club Headquarters. See further notes.


All those finishing between 8-15km/hour and a with a    heart rate of 64bpm or below will receive a Pony Club Osprey Rosette


To gain a result for the competition please use the Intermediate Performance chart where a combination of heart beat and speed will give faults. If there is an equality of points then the competitor who presents his horse earliest to the inspection will be successful.

Eagle Ride


i)  Organised by   Org   i)   Organised by Pony Club Branches/Centres/Areas.

ii) An ILDRA local group training ride of the correct distance. Many of these rides do not have a vet/official on site to check heart rates/soundness or an official to time the ride. If this is the case then these rides can not be used as qualifiers for the championships unless your Branch/Centre/Area has organised an official to stand in.

iii) An ILDRA National ride of the correct  distance


Between 36 and 50km


8-15km hour.  Optimum speed 12km per hour. 


All riders must be at least eight years old on the day of the ride.

Riders under the age of 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult (18 years or over) on horseback with a maximum of two children to one adult.

Members under the age of 13 years must have completed two Kestrel rides before they compete at this level.

Horses who have competed in a ER or gated (S.E.R.C) ride are not eligible.

Vets Inspection

As for Kestrel and Osprey

Entry Fees

As for Kestrel and Osprey


The finishing speed and heart rate must fall within the shaded part of the Open Performance chart. When the combination of horse and rider has accomplished this twice then they will have qualified for the Pony Club Open Endurance Championships. It is the responsibility of the  Member to register their qualification with Pony Club Headquarters. See further notes


All of those finishing between 8-15km/hour and with a heart rate of 64 bpm or below will receive The Pony Club Eagle Rosette.


To gain a result for the competition please use the Open Performance Chart where a combination of Heart Beat and speed will give faults.  Of there is an equality of points then the competitor who presents their horse earliest to the inspection will be successful.